
LED’s life

The LED general description, usually said you can use more than 50,000 hours, and some manufacturers claim that the LED can be 100,000 hours of operation. The main problem is in this regard that the LED is not a simple no longer in operation only, its rated life can not be calculated with the traditional lighting of the measure.
In fact, when testing LED life, no one will stay beside waiting for it to stop working. However, there are still other ways to measure the service life of the LED.
LED Spotlight is lasting, because it does not produce a filament fuse. LED will not directly stop the operation, but as time goes by, it will gradually degraded. Projections indicate that the high-quality LED after 50,000 hours of continuous operation, can maintain more than 60% of the initial light levels. Assumed that the LED has reached its rated life, in fact, it may still luminous, but the light is very weak Bale. In order to extend the service life of the LED, it is necessary to reduce or completely disperse the heat generated LED chip. The thermal energy is the main reason of the operation of LED stops.
It is estimated that the LED itself can be used thousands of hours, but this does not guarantee that the LED products can also be used so long. Wrong operations and processes can easily ruin “LED. For example, the supply current is higher than the scale approved by the manufacturer,china led bulb will be brighter, but sustained heat will shorten the service life of the LED. True connoisseur of LED to the characteristics of the light-emitting diodes, solid-state lighting, technical expertise and engineering skills fully understand the need to have enough creativity